Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Eukalypto?
Eukalypto is a publishing company created by authors, for authors and readers around the globe. We are an alternative to both traditional publishing and self-publishing. Our philosophy is based on the concept of fairness. We are fair to our authors, fair to our readers, and fair to our environment.
Who are the members of your team and where are you based?

We are a group of Lebanese, French, British, and Canadian authors and editors, spread around the globe.
The company is registered in Cyprus.

What types of books do you publish?

Our long-term goal is to publish all types of books in all genres, and have Theres a Eukalypto for everyone” as our slogan. However, as a start-up, our focus right now is on titles that have mass appeal. We feel that this strategy will enable us to publish all types of books in the future.

In what languages do you publish books?

We publish books in both English and French. If we believe there is a market for a translated version of a certain book, we might publish it in both languages. If not, then it will be translated once it has sold a certain number of copies.

Are your books available in bookstores?

Eukalypto is both a publishing and book selling platform. A presence in bookstores would generate significant costs related to distribution and storage, and our model relies precisely on avoiding such costs.

Books are sold online only, through the Eukalypto website:
- Digital books are sold directly on our platform.
- Printed books are sold on an external printing and distribution platform.

Why are your shipping costs to some destinations so expensive?

For ethical and ecological reasons, we operate outside traditional circuits and major retailers, which means we cannot secure the same shipping discounts they do. We refuse to take advantage of cost reductions that come at the expense of exploited labor and resources. Our shipping costs, like the compensation for our authors, teams, and subcontractors, reflect fair and ethical pricing.

Are your books divided into collections?
In its first five years, Eukalypto will launch two collections:
Main Collection
Including both fiction and non-fiction titles with mass market appeal.
Club Collection
Including both fiction and non-fiction titles that may not have mass market appeal but are written to very high literary standards.
We will launch the Junior Collection later. This collection will include both fiction and non-fiction books intended for younger audiences.
Will the website allow readers to leave reviews?

At the end of each book, a link will lead to pages and publications on social media, dedicated to the book, and where readers can comment, review, and debate. 

How does Eukalypto protect its books against piracy?

Eukalypto wont be using any type of protection against piracy, for one simple reason: all digital protection can be cracked. 

Instead of spending energy and resources on codes and algorithms, we have chosen to rely on the growing sense of equity in humankind by engaging our readership through social media and other forms of communication. This way, we can raise awareness and create a community of readers who understand the value of a book and are willing to pay a fair price for it.

We want our readership to become the backbone of our fair and humanistic approach, and we will be concentrating our efforts in this direction.

Is Eukalypto a hybrid or vanity publisher?
No. Eukalypto is a fair-trade publisher. We handle the entire book publishing process, from editing and designing, to producing and distributing, for a percentage of the royalties (see our standard contract). We do not ask authors to invest or share in any of the costs of production. Our strength and added value is in managing these tasks for the author.
Who retains the rights of the books you publish?

Authors assign Eukalypto the exclusive rights to publish, reproduce, and sell their work in all formats including digital and audio, in English and French, for a limited duration stipulated in the contract. Authors retain the rights to all other languages and adaptations. However, if an adaptation or a translation deal is signed during the contract period, Eukalypto will receive a percentage of the profits.

How exactly are the profits divided?
Original book version:
- 50% author(s)
- 47.5% Eukalypto (Eukalypto, freelance proofreaders and editors, cover designer)
- 2.5% “Fair Pot” (see below)
Translated book version:
- 35% author(s)
- 15% translation team
- 47.5% Eukalypto (Eukalypto, freelance proofreaders and editors, cover designer)
- 2.5% “Fair Pot” (see below)
What is the Fair Pot?

2.5% of the profits from every book sale are equally divided between all the authors signed by Eukalypto and published in the same collection. That way each author shares in everybodys profits.

What are Eukalypto’s criteria for accepting submissions?

When our editorial team is in the process of evaluating a submission, they look for both quality, content, and marketability in order to decide if the work can be of interest to us and to determine the collection it could belong in.

Do you accept books with illustrations?

Yes, we do. But please note that for technical reasons, e-books can only be published with illustrations in separate sections and not embedded into sections of text.

Can an author create their own cover design?

Yes, but only with the final approval of Eukalyptos design team. Having their own cover art increases the authors revenue share.

Apart from being a publishing company, does Eukalypto offer other services?

Yes, we do. Below are the services we offer:

- Translation (English to French and French to English),

- Revision, line-editing and proofreading,

- Book interior pages design & layout,

- Cover design,

- Advertising of your book on social media,
- Writing workshops and coaching,

- Full training to become your own self-publisher.

More details here.